What is Eco-modulation and where would this lead us to?
by Jianhong Hu at 11:04 in Packaging under Environmental
EU waste framework directive (amended 2018) introduced the modulation of the financial contribution to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes. This minimises waste packaging generation and incentivises the designs with better recyclability and sustainability. In other words, if your packaging is easier to be collected and recycled in the local i...

Packaging EPR complexity - Why do EPR programs vary?
by Rachel Langhill at 15:22 in Packaging under Environmental

In many countries around the world, producers must pay levies on all product packaging and on the products they sell. These levies, or extended producer responsibility (EPR) funding, is to build infrastructure for collecting materials to be recycled.Packaging levies started in Germany in the early 1990s with der Grüne Punkt (or Green Dot) and quickly spr...
South Korea measures to reduce packaging waste
by Rachel Langhill at 18:16 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental
South Korea's amendment decree of the Rules on the Packaging Materials and Packaging Methods will come into force by 1st July 2020, affecting producers and importers of small electronics and re-packaged products. The amendment comes after consultations in January 2019 regarding 'Measures Against Overpackaging', which are part of the implementation plan ...

Packaging Waste and Sustainability Forum 2018
by Ellen Thornton at 14:58 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
On the 5th, 6th and 7th of June this year, the annual packaging waste and sustainability forum was held in Brussels. The days were filled with interesting talks from members of the European Commission, producers and retailers, industry representatives and producer responsibility organisations (PROs) who addressed topics such as the new EU recycling target...
Germany Packaging Act changes
by Emma Mundy at 14:45 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
If you're used to reading our regular updates you will already be aware that the German Packaging Act is changing from January 2019. This short blog aims to give you the low down on some of the important changes that may affect you and what you need to prepare for in the next 8 months. Registration requirement One of the changes that will affect produce...

Compliance Update – How should producers react to Romania’s new waste management Ordinances?
by James Gibbs at 09:11 in Packaging under Environmental
Producer obligations for packaging waste in Romania are undergoing some changes. The Romanian Government has passed two Emergency Ordinances into law which are having a profound impact upon the waste sector. These Ordinances have not only expanded liability, but also introduced uncertainty for producers and waste management companies alike. The question ...
Understanding packaging waste complexities
by Michelle Carvell at 09:42 in Battery, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental
The EU's focus on resource preservation and reuse has put manufacturers under increasing pressure over the past two decades to meet strict legislative requirements on environmental reporting. However, the compliance process can be a tricky path to navigate – especially when reporting requirements differ in each country.Manufacturers across Europe have bee...