Lorax EPI

Is your business ready for the upcoming UK Plastic Tax?
by Jianhong Hu at 14:40 in Packaging, Emerging, Environmental

​It is the countdown for the beginning of the UK plastic packaging tax.

Next month, on 1 April 2022, if you import or manufacture more than 10 tonnes of plastic packaging annually, you will be obligated to register with HMRC for the UK plastics packaging tax. The first accounting period will be from 1 April to 30 June, and the first tax return and payment will be due on the last working day in July, specifically 29 July 2022.

Exemptions from the tax are also given, such as for plastic packaging with more than 30% recycled content or immediate packaging designated for licensed human medicine, etc. If your packaging is not exempted, it will be subject to 200 GBP tax per tonne.


Be aware that if you are a brand owner and purchase packaging from a UK supplier, you still have the responsibility to check the tax status for the plastic packaging for due diligence.

Apart from the UK Plastics Tax, following the imposition of the EU Plastics levy, Italy and Spain have put the plastics tax transposition on their legislative agenda. Our research also reveals that more and more EU Member States are making efforts to introduce similar plastics taxes to recover the EU plastics levy from their national finance budget.


To learn a bit more about how the UK plastic packaging tax or the upcoming plastic tax in Europe may impact your business, speak to one of our consultants today. Also, our ENVI software supports the UK plastic tax reports.

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